In the heart of the Prefecture of Drama, lies one of the most impressive natural landscapes of Greece – the…
The August full moon, one of the most magical phenomena of the summer, was celebrated with particular brilliance in Drama,…
Drama, a city rich in history and natural beauty, bears a name that reflects the abundance of its waters. The…
The Natural History Museum of Paranesti, located in the beautiful area of Paranesti in Drama, is an important destination for…
Every year, the city of Drama is transformed into a real fairytale world, hosting Oniroupolis, one of the biggest and…
Lisse Fort is located in Nevrokopi, Drama, an area known for its rich historical heritage and natural beauty. The fort…
The tobacco warehouses of Drama are an integral part of the historical and industrial heritage of the region. These imposing…
Drama, known for its rich natural beauty and historical heritage, is home to one of the most impressive sections of…
Drama, an area rich in natural beauty and cultural heritage, is also known for its dedicated producers and their high…
The International Short Films Festival of Drama is one of the most important cultural institutions in Greece and an acclaimed…