In the heart of the Prefecture of Drama, hidden between the imposing peaks of Mount Falakro and Mount Rhodope, lies the Elatia Forest. A true natural treasure that enchants every visitor with its unparalleled beauty and rich biodiversity. Also known as “Kara Dere” (black stream) by the locals, this forest offers a unique opportunity for those who love nature and seek peace and escape from everyday life.
The Elatia Forest is the largest spruce forest in Greece, covering an area of approximately 700,000 acres. It is characterized by its rich flora and fauna, being a refuge for many rare and protected species. The dense stands of spruce and beech create an impressive scenery that changes colors and atmosphere depending on the seasons.
Attractions and Activities
- Hiking and Mountaineering: With an abundance of trails criss-crossing the forest, hikers and climbers have the opportunity to discover the variety of landscapes and immense natural beauty. The trails are suitable for all levels of difficulty, offering unique routes through beautiful forests and along mountain streams.
- Wildlife Observation: The forest is home to rich fauna such as deer, wolves, bears and many species of birds. Nature watchers will enjoy the opportunity to see these magnificent animals up close in their natural habitat.
- Picnicking and Recreation: With specially designed picnic areas, visitors can relax and enjoy nature, listening to the sound of birds and the rustling of leaves.
The Elatia Forest is one of the most important natural resources of Greece and is protected by Greek legislation. Sustainable management and protection of the ecosystem are priorities for the local community and authorities to ensure that this unique treasure is preserved for generations to come.
The forest is about 70 kilometers from the city of Drama and access is via the road network that leads to the village of Sideronero. Visitors can combine their visit with other activities in the area, such as visiting the traditional villages and tours of the cultural monuments of Drama.
The Elatia Forest is not just a destination, but a life experience. Come and discover the absolute harmony of nature and live unforgettable moments in this hidden paradise of Drama.