Center for environmental education of Paranesti (C.P.E.)
Duration: Customized
Ages: All
The KPE Paranesti was founded with the cooperation of the Ministry of Health and the Municipality of Paranesti in 2002 and was staffed for the first time in February 2004.
Areas of Action of KPE Paranesti:
Designs and implements one-day and multi-day environmental education programs for primary and secondary school students with the aim of educating, informing and raising awareness about the environment, the problems it faces, their relationship with the quality of our lives, its sustainable management options and their necessity for the sustainable development of our societies. At the same time, to develop positive attitudes and participatory behaviors for the management of the Environment of their area with criteria of ecological balance and Sustainable development. It supports environmental projects of school groups. Plans and implements outdoor living activities for students with the aim of Environmental Education through Outdoor Living. It develops cross-border and international educational collaborations with the aim of developing and promoting environmental education and sustainable development.